LIFE LINXCONNECT releases “Sismo” and “Senegal” in the Algarve Region, Portugal.2
February 25, 2022
The first release of Iberian lynxes to take place in the Algarve took place today at 3pm in Alcoutim. Two specimens were reintroduced into the wild, Sismo and Senegal, male and female, respectively, born at the El Acebuche Captive Breeding Centre (Andalusia).
Seven years after the beginning of the reintroduction process, there are now around 200 specimens distributed over a vast territory that extends between the municipalities of Serpa and Tavira. One of the most relevant aspects of 2021 was the consolidation of the population in Algarve territory, which already had about 20 specimens and now adds 2 more: Sismo and Senegal. During the past year, there were also 9 births in the Algarve region, and there is still a large territory that could be occupied by the species.
This very positive situation has been helped by the collaboration of owners and managers of estates and hunting areas, sustainable land management, the abundance of wild rabbit, a favourable attitude shown by the local population to the presence of lynx and the connectivity of the Guadiana Valley lynx population with those present in other areas of Spain, which is fundamental for increasing genetic variability.
The reintroduction area in Portugal was selected in 2014 under the LIFE Iberlince project. The Guadiana Valley area comprises territories of the municipalities of Mértola, Serpa and adjacent areas, where lynxes have naturally dispersed, located in the municipalities of Alcoutim, Castro Verde and Beja. These areas are now being consolidated, expanded and interconnected under the LIFE Lynxconnect project, led by CAGPyDS of the Junta de Andalucía, which began in September 2020 and which, in Portugal, brings together as partners, in addition to ICNF, CIMBAL and Infraestruturas de Portugal, IP.
Reintroduction is a medium-long term process that aims to establish a viable population that maintains a regular genetic flow with other lynx populations, restoring the favourable situation for the species.