The Decree 103/2019,February 12, which regulates the Organic Structure of the onsejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Junta de Andalucía (CAGPDS), includes, among the powers of the CAGPDS: a)monitoring, conservation, sustainable use, improvement and restoration of Andalusia’s natural heritage andbiodiversity, as well as the protection of vegetation and soil cover and the development of actions toprevent erosion and desertification; b) the promotion of the suitable land uses and the sustainable use ofrenewable natural resources, contributing to the improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of the ruralpopulation; c) the protection, management and socio-economic improvement of the Red de EspaciosNaturales Protegidos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía and the capacity to declare them; d) theformulation of the basic criteria, programming, planning and regulatory development in relation to theconservation of biodiversity, as well as the richness and variety of landscapes in Andalusia.
The coordinating beneficiary is ultimately responsible for the implementation of all project actions.