The Consejería de Movilidad, Transporte y Vivienda, is responsible, through its Dirección General de Movilidad e Infraestructuras Viarias of planning, execution, maintenance and management of roads and road infrastructures under the competence of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.
According to article 9 of Decree 262/2015, of 7 August, which establishes the organic structure of the Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras, the Dirección General de Movilidad e Infraestructuras Viarias, under the superior direction of the head of the Consejería, within the scope of the powers conferred by article 59 of Law 1/2002, of 28 February, of the Government and Administration of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, is responsible for road and hydraulic infrastructures, specifically:
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