• contacta@lifelynxconnect.eu
  • +34 647 575 922

Associated beneficiary

The Consejería de Movilidad, Transporte y Vivienda, is responsible, through its Dirección General de Movilidad e Infraestructuras Viarias of planning, execution, maintenance and management of roads and road infrastructures under the competence of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

According to article 9 of Decree 262/2015, of 7 August, which establishes the organic structure of the Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras, the Dirección General de Movilidad e Infraestructuras Viarias, under the superior direction of the head of the Consejería, within the scope of the powers conferred by article 59 of Law 1/2002, of 28 February, of the Government and Administration of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, is responsible for road and hydraulic infrastructures, specifically:

  • Planning, execution, maintenance and management of road and hydraulic infrastructures under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura: water supply, roads, channelling and riverbanks portection, sewerage and wastewater treatment.
  • The Extremadura road network managed by the Dirección General de Infraestructuras is 3,682 km long, of which nearly 600 km are within the areas of current stable presence of the Iberian lynx. Over the last few years, it has carried out several actions on its roads to benefit the Iberian lynx, mainly aimed at preventing roadkill and improving road permeability.

Página web: www.juntaex.es/con07/