LYNXCONNECT invites you to Quintos (Beja, Portugal)!
April 3, 2024
In the framework of LIFE LYNXCONNECT, CIMBAL participates in the satellite event of the New European Bauhaus Festival “Breathing and Living Quintos”, by invitation of the MUDA_TT+ – Change your Territory project and the Social Innovation Incubator of Baixo Alentejo (Centro Social Nossa Senhora da Graça).
Quintos will be the main stage where activities to promote and raise awareness about the Iberian Lynx and LIFE LYNXCONNECT will take place.
The event will take place next Thursday, 11th April, in the streets of Quintos, in the municipality of Beja.
Don’t miss it and take part, on 11 April all roads lead to the New European Bauhaus Festival!