LIFE LYNXCONNECT PROJECT Information Campaign in Extremadura
January 23, 2023
During the last quarter of 2022, the dissemination campaign of the LIFE LYNXCONNECT Project, focused on consolidating the recovery of the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain and Portugal, has been carrying out different awareness-raising activities in Educational Centres in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura with our partner ADENEX (Association for the Defence of Nature and Resources of Extremadura).
During these months, the project has reached fourteen municipalities in the region, more specifically the towns of Llerena, Campanario and Mérida in the province of Badajoz and the municipalities of Villar del Pedroso, Peraleda de San Román, Valdelacasa, Saucedilla, Serrejón, Romangordo, Casas de Belvis and Belvis de Monroy in the province of Cáceres.
More than 450 pupils between the ages of 7 and 14 who are studying in the educational stages ranging from the 3rd year of primary school to the 4th year of secondary school took part in the activities.
The activities carried out consist of a presentation or oral presentation that tries to bring the students closer to the importance of the LIFE Projects as the only financial instrument of the European Union dedicated exclusively to the environment and climate action. At the same time, the LINXNCONNECT Project, its objectives, actions and project partners are presented, and accurate and updated information is provided on aspects of the biology and ecology of the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus), as well as its main threats and the measures that have been carried out in the past and present to guarantee its recovery in the Iberian territory.
The activities are completed with educational dynamics and games that help the recipients of these informative actions to complete what they have learnt in a fun and entertaining way.
A participative and investigative methodology is used at all times, considering the students as active agents in their own learning. It is the target audience who, based on their own initiative, creativity and imagination, come to draw conclusions, alternatives and commitments to the loss of biodiversity and the need to preserve the Iberian Lynx.